Direct Hire

This agreement confirms our services are on a contingency basis and are payable if, and only if, you engage the services of a candidate who has been referred to you by our office. This fee is payable
should you engage the referred candidate for any position within one year after our most recent communications relating to our candidate. In the event that the terms and conditions contained herein are not clear to your hiring personnel, please contact us immediately.

The Hire Source Direct Hire Placement Fee is computed as a percentage of the estimated gross compensation to be earned by the applicant during their first twelve months of employment. The
estimated gross compensation includes, but not be limited to, salary, bonuses and commissions earned by the applicant during their first twelve months.

Contact a Hire Source Representative for details

Direct Hire Guarantee
In the event the employee is terminated or he terminates his employment within ninety (90) days we will refill the position. If we are unable to satisfactorily fill this requirement (within 90 days), we will refund as specified below.

1-30 Days Employed – 100% Refund
31-60 Days Employed –   75% Refund
61-90 Days Employed –   50% Refund

Notification of any termination must be made to The Hire Source within three (3) working days. The Hire Source Guarantee is valid only if the Client Fee is paid, in full, within 10 days of the applicant’s start date.

The Client’s acceptance of applicant referrals (names or resumes) shall be conclusive evidence of the Client’s acceptance of our terms, charges and conditions, unless there is a written modification by both The Hire Source and the Client.

All employment opportunities will be handled confidentially and professionally.

Your Name (*)

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